Student Course Survey

  • Course survey results will be used to improve teaching and course materials.
  • Your responses are anonymous. Survey numbers are randomly assigned and are designed to eliminate duplicate responses.
  • Answer each question as it applies to your class.
  • Please take the opportunity to make comments about the class and instructor (ME!).  These comments can be extremely useful in helping me improve my teaching.
  • Indicate your responses by selecting the appropriate circle.
Survey No.
Legend: A = To a great extent, B = Above average, C = Average, D = Below average, E = Not at all, NA = Not Applicable

1. The instructor made the requirements and objectives of the course clear.


2. The instructor explained material clearly. A B C D E NA
3. The instructor presented material in an organized manner A B C D E NA
4. The instructor made the subject interesting. A B C D E NA
5. The instructor's teaching methods promoted learning. A B C D E NA
6. The instructor challenged me to put forth my best efforts. A B C D E NA
7. The course materials facilitated learning. A B C D E NA
8. The assignments had instructional value. A B C D E NA
9. The instructor designed tests and assignments that measured knowledge of course material and the ability to apply it. A B C D E NA
10. The instructor's standards for grading were clear and were uniformly applied. A B C D E NA
11. The instructor provided feedback of student performance within a reasonable time frame given the complexity and length of the student work. A B C D E NA
12. The instructor was available for consultation with students. A B C D E NA
13. The instructor treated students with respect. A B C D E NA
14. This course enhanced my reasoning ability. A B C D E NA
15. This course contained important information. A B C D E NA
16. This course improved my ability to communicate in a professional setting. A B C D E NA
17. My academic background prepared me well for this course. A B C D E NA
18. What grade do you expect in this course? A B C D F NA
19. Workload relative to the credit given:
1 = Too Light 2 3 4 5 = Average 6 7 8 9 10 = Too Heavy
20. Please provide your comments on aspects of the course and/or the instructor's teaching
that you consider to be very helpful or effective.

21. Please provide your comments on aspects of the course and/or the instructor's teaching
that you consider to be least helpful or effective.

22. Please suggest on the best ways to improve this course.
23. Other comments

Thank you for filling out this survey.
Be sure to complete all fields before submitting this form.