FIN 282 - Graduate Seminar in Finance
Announcements & Assignments




Class Notes, Exercises & Links

Harvard Business Cases - CoursePack

FinGame 5.0
FinGame Financial Stmt Template
FinGame Cash Budget Template

Research Insight - Compustat Excel File

Coping with hitchhikers
How Leaders Kill Meaning at Work
How NOT to use PowerPoint!
How to Give a Lousy Presentation

Bloomberg and VDI Access Information

Bloomberg Terminal

How to Install and Use Citrix Receiver (Windows)
  1. Citrix Receiver is a software that provides access to your XenDesktop and XenApp installations. To download the Citrix Receiver, go to .
  2. Installing Citrix Receiver: Find the downloaded file and launch it. Click 'Start'. Select 'I accept the license agreement' and click 'Next'. Be sure to deselect Enable single sign-on and click Install. Wait for the installation to complete.
  3. Configuring Citrix Receiver: When the installation has completed, click 'Add Account'. Enter and click 'Add'.
  4. Logging in to Citrix: Enter your Drake ID and password and click 'Log On'.
  5. Using Citrix Receiver: The Receiver window will display the 'Desktops and Apps' available for your log on. Double-click on a 'Desktop or App' to start it. Alternatively, click on 'Details' to get more information and additional options. On the details page, click 'Open' to start an application. Click 'Add to Favorites' to add the 'Desktop or App' to the 'Favorites' screen.

Note: If you own a Mac, follow directions on How to Install and Use Citrix Receiver (Mac).


Cowles Journal and Reference Databases

Career bluePrint
Career Center

Learning Styles and Strategies
Student Course Survey (Feedback Form)

Sample business memorandum template